Some questions regarding an approach to Rosengård
Is there such thing as an imbedded city?
A city within a city?
The transition between Malmö and Rosengård (the "liminal zone") can be thought of as a kind of limbo: a place in between places / an idea in between ideas.
A lot of action takes places in this liminal zone.
This liminal zone is neither a here, nor a there.
But is this zone a permeable area? Is it a solid wall?
Is Rosengård a microcosm inside Malmö, related to countless other microcosms in different cities?
In this respect, is it part of a rhyzome-like cultural pattern?
Additionally, what are the visible codes that are expressed in Rosengård's walls? What does this "voice" sound like? As presented in my post about new hierarchies, I regard graffiti as a rhyzome-like means of expression, re-claimed by anonymous people in communities around the globe. What does the street art (stickers, stencil, graffiti, etc.) communicate about Rosengård and its relation to Malmö?
I think your topic reflects a very important angle of view; the openminded awareness as attitude and tool to discover the "imbedded" information... the study of the microcosmos and the interactions between them.
You are following your cultural path from your questions in your latest post, taking it to the urban fabric surrounding Rosengård. The question is if the overlapping, mingling or clashing of different cultures happens in the liminal zones or if they happen elsewhere? As you have pointed out, studying the visible codes that are expressed in Rosengårds walls might give you a clue. You might also find clues panning through the eniro.se aerial photos. Where do one place end and the next place begin (to refer to Calvino)? Where are the threshold zones you want to study?
In his article “New York and the right to the city” (MARG) the author Peter S. Jørgensen discusses initiatives from individuals, communities, groups (like the friends of the High Line) that appear, also with graffiti as a tool, and continuously launches their own urban strategies and actions. It’s both here, there and everywhere in the multiethnic NY. Tove Helene has an exploded cartography that, in our interpretation is an eye-opener. The diagram, made up of statistics, shows that what you call “a rhizome-like cultural pattern” defines in different ways all part of the city-scape of Malmö. To follow up your question if Rosengård is a microcosm (or a multitude of microcosms) inside Malmö related to countless other microcosms, you are touching questions that Doreen Massey, Geographer and professor at “The Open University”, are discussing in the article “A Global Sense of Place”, From Space, Place and Gender, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994.
"For what is happening is that the geography of social relations is changing. In many cases such relations are increasingly stretched out over space. Economic, political and cultural social relations, each full of power and with internal structures of domination and subordination, stretched out over the planet at every different level, from the household to the local area to the international."
You can find the paper here:
Study also Tones Post “Seeing Malmö through the eyes of another” where she uses literature to understand the dynamics of cultures and kinds of Diasporas.
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