02 December 2009

Joint Map How-To meeting

Hello folks,

there will be a class meeting on Wednesday, December 9th, at 11am in the class to discuss the details of how we will make this joint map that should include the work of all and each of us.

If you have suggestions or ideas about how to put this map together, please bring them along.

1 comment:

knut eirik dahl said...

I am eagerly waiting for this joint
map, charging the mindfield malmö with new cooparative energy. I can imagine this ultimate cartography: As a christmas calendar, full of imbedded information, discovering and supporting vulnarable positions, exploring the dynamics of small cultures in a very elastic way - in all scales. Or as J. Hendrix sang Bob Dylans "All along the watchtower". A guide to the appearing Malmö.
If I could ask for the moon...