Our modern civilization is shaken to its foundations, which manifests itself in a jumble of crisis symptoms. UN and national political institutions are deeply involved in the mobilization of technological solutions to overcome the crisis symptoms. Following the Rio Conference in 1992 and the Kyoto Agreement in 1997 are planned, as a necessary follow-up, a global climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009.
In june 2009 a new environmental policy for the City of Malmö was ready:
It says:
“ - The city of Malmö will require environmental and social considerations into procurement in different areas. - Claims in respect of environmental and social concerns should be formulated taking into account legal requirements and with respect for small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in the procurements. - The environmental requirements to ensure sustainable development and in particular aim to achieve the objectives of Malmö's environmental programs and commitments made in accordance with the certification of Malmo as Fairtrade City. - The procurement will also be designed to both smaller and larger companies have the opportunity to submit bids and participate in the competition. - Environmental requirements in procurement should be based on among other things, the existing EU directives, Swedish law. - All suppliers must be treated equally and given the same opportunities for information. Procurement opportunities through e-commerce should be considered and, where appropriate, utilized”.
City of Malmö 2009-06-03
Regarding the proposed comprehensive strategies for the regional plan, it is more unclear where Green architecture comes into play. We can see a lack of concrete tools and concepts to look constructively at the green, as a driving force in urban development. Therefore, this architecture study will give examples of several different approaches aimed at enhancing the integration of the city's various components. A central concept of this approach, focusing on urban development and sustainability, is the potential. The concept can open up to new ideas and development directions that create value rather than merely preserve. This is also a pragmatic approach when many natural and cultural values of the regional green structure is heavily dependent on human activities. Formulating green structure possibilities in this way means that new concepts will be a key when urban development and green architecture are discussed.
A useful concept for a new integrated approach to landscape, urbanism and green structure is the potential. It can describe a landscape of change, and the real potential, and can be applied to many of the landscape dimensions: economic, social, health and ecological. A landscape or a place can be described as a "rose" showing the dimensions of potential. A landscape, a park or a green structure can be well developed in social and economic aspects, but less in others because there is limited potential. The Potential four aspects can of course be examined carefully by studying the factors that build up different potentials. The different aspects are not distinct but often overlapping and mutually dependent. This new approach allows to formulate entirely new kind of strategies for landscape, urbanism and green structure.

“ - The city of Malmö will require environmental and social considerations into procurement in different areas. - Claims in respect of environmental and social concerns should be formulated taking into account legal requirements and with respect for small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in the procurements. - The environmental requirements to ensure sustainable development and in particular aim to achieve the objectives of Malmö's environmental programs and commitments made in accordance with the certification of Malmo as Fairtrade City. - The procurement will also be designed to both smaller and larger companies have the opportunity to submit bids and participate in the competition. - Environmental requirements in procurement should be based on among other things, the existing EU directives, Swedish law. - All suppliers must be treated equally and given the same opportunities for information. Procurement opportunities through e-commerce should be considered and, where appropriate, utilized”.
City of Malmö 2009-06-03
Regarding the proposed comprehensive strategies for the regional plan, it is more unclear where Green architecture comes into play. We can see a lack of concrete tools and concepts to look constructively at the green, as a driving force in urban development. Therefore, this architecture study will give examples of several different approaches aimed at enhancing the integration of the city's various components. A central concept of this approach, focusing on urban development and sustainability, is the potential. The concept can open up to new ideas and development directions that create value rather than merely preserve. This is also a pragmatic approach when many natural and cultural values of the regional green structure is heavily dependent on human activities. Formulating green structure possibilities in this way means that new concepts will be a key when urban development and green architecture are discussed.

social ecology, to be continue......
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