14 October 2009

Flexibility Of Traffic

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Flexibility of City Traffic System

We treat city as a biotope, as a kind of metaphone, then the city traffic system is a basic network which maintain the activity of a biotope.

With the expending of city site and population, the cars become the leading actor in this times drama. After the first industry revolution, most ideas of urban planning based on the road system for cars that made the new main road to be wider and wider. Even we never stopped to build our car roads, the traffic jam is always our city nightmare.

The car- dominative system has eaten all the Flexibility of City Traffic System. As the Achilles' Heel of a city, any small arrow might destroyed the brittle huge system such as a normal traffic accident.

What is the new way to find the flexibility of city traffic. Maybe the urban planning of Malmö could offer some good idea which is rebuilding the biodiversity of City Traffic System.

The roads always can’t fit the expending of cars, traffic jam always happen because of different small reasons.
Flexibility of traffic system shows a space to face the change. When one part of this system have problem, others will offer the space to maintain the stress of traffic needing. It offers more choice for people.

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