06 October 2009

Film goodies

Here are some films about climate change and environmental choices, if you are tired of reading.....

Der vinteren er velstand - a film about how hunters and fishermen in the arctic has noticed waste changes in the climate, and how it affects their everyday life - today - not in 50 years...

Green Architecture - David Suzuki travels around Canada to check out the newest methods in green architecture.

Bioenergi - first episode of four, about renewable energy - what is Norway doing?

Døden bak styret - a very funny film about urban planning for bikes.

Berre ein gris - equally fun film about where our spare ribs come from...

A couple of very good films that I could not find on the net, but maybe you can? They are:
"The real dirt on farmer John" - about a very untraditional farmer who starts Angelic Organics, community supported agriculture, which is ecological farming, where people can buy shares and be a part of the production and harvesting throughout the year.

Finnish documentarist John Webster puts his family on an oil diet for a year. In the documentary Katastrofin aineksia, we follow the family of four as they try to live a year without oil. Very good film from 2008, that show us the problems that are ahead of us, as we run out of oil...

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