28 October 2009

Density of Bicycle System

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Density of Bicycle System ( information recollection and point of departure)

A. Expending of city is a process that could not be stopped, but we could not take land form agriculture which feed us. The Ringvagen is a kind of limit for the urban structure.
B. On the other hands the increasing of inhabitants is also a reason of urban density rising.
C. The rising of sea level will affect the coastline and also the using of land. (with 3 meters rise of sea level, 2400hektares land, 140km street, 23km railway, 6km highway will be under the water ——information from Stine Nilsen)

On all accounts, those information show a challenge of urban density rising which including the density rising of bicycle system.
Now, there is no more extra space to build new lanes or parking place for bicycle. How to make the system adapt higher density will be a big question. Rental bicycle maybe a way to think (I also could find some information in government plans).

I always want to compare the situation of China with Malmo. So I search a successful example from Hangzhou (the Capital of Zhejiang Provence) which called the most beautiful city China. This project began form Aug1st 2008. Nowadays, the data of rental bicycle system is 100000 time.person/day (4% of public traffic system). Over 2000 stops and 50000 bikes are working in this system. It shows the potential of rental bicycle.

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